我也赶流行 - 買腳踏車去了!
13 October, 2008
我的新車 - Louis Garneau MV2 PRO
在9月底,我買了一台很貴的腳踏車 - MV2 PRO 。
理由: - 我沒有喜歡的運動,再加上膝蓋受傷能做的運動更少,所以想用腳踏車替代機車在台北市內行動。
"後來這輛車出了點狀況,在 MOBILE01 論壇求援,這事請看這:[求助]在『路易士自行車精品』買 LG 的MV2 Pro 出了點狀況
MV2 PRO 的規格:大盤 52/42T; 飛輪 12-25T; 前後輪 20"
Ratio = 52/12*20吋*2.54公分*3.14=6.91公尺
如果以懶人踩步的方式來騎的話,一分鐘約可以踩 20圈左右。那就是每分鐘前進138m,每小時約8km。我買了快3星期,實際騎乘公里數已超過150公里。只是晚上(從南港汐止)送件到八德路的相館或去朋友的咖啡店閒聊,距離約 9~14 km,約花25~30分鐘左右到達目的地。所以,時間上只是比機車慢10分鐘左右。騎上坡是比一般正常車來得輕鬆,騎平地則是有較快的加速。
SRAM和SHIMANO 是較常見的變速系統廠牌,這兩者在生產的型號中有不同的等級。至於兩者的差異,我在 mobile01 看到網友zerophonix寫的這部份不錯,就引用放在這:在下剛好使用過shimano的alivio,deore,LX和sram的x7,x9。當然僅限于對變速系統的討論。
台灣到處都是坡,上坡是一定不能避免的。以我以前騎大輪的經驗,感覺上現在用小輪好像每個坡都變輕鬆了。因我手上已沒有大車,無從比較,只是心得分享。開始騎小輪徑上坡時,會習慣性的想用以前騎大輪子的抽車(站起來踩) 的方式來加速上坡。但是,一站起來就馬上滑下去,像滑倒那樣。心裡一直想要抽車,就這樣而坐立不安。騎第二次之後就發覺這其中的原因,也許是因為小輪子的阻力輕,所以一站起來踏板就馬上滑下去了。所以,如果小輪徑上坡要抽車,則要有更重的齒比。我們一般上坡就是要設在稍比最能承受的齒比重一些會較好騎,但即使設成這樣,小輪徑還是無法抽車,而是得要比這樣的設定更重一些才較有可能抽車。只是,抽車真的很辛苦,也不持久。所以,最好的方式還是調整成最適的齒比在慢慢騎上坡才是。
我騎 MV2 上坡的習慣是,前面的大盤用較小的那一個,後面的飛輪是用中間的齒盤就上去了。
買了好東西就得好好的愛惜,所以剛買來後就開始煩惱如何保養車子。這邊放上找到的 link。
註:大家也許會選用 WD40 在保養鍊子,因為 WD40 是一般認知中的萬用除繡潤滑劑。如果鎖頭有不順暢或卡到,就會拿WD40 來噴一噴就順了。但腳踏車的鍊是較重使用的機械,WD40完全沒有作用,而且會把原本的潤滑劑給去除。所以,千萬不要用 WD40 來保養車子。
最後,得介紹一輛長得很 "正" 的摺疊車 - Brompton。
這輛車的輪徑是16",6速,ratio 是 3.22m ~ 6.87m,也就是說最高速也和 LG 的 MV2 pro 差不多(2009年的車子所採用的內變速已升級,升級後的 ratio 是 2.63m ~ 7.94m )。只是價格真的讓人吐舌頭..... (網頁訂價再打95折)
Brompton 的變速系統是採用 Brompton 自家設計,由 Sturmey-Archer 生產的內變速,經典車型是3速,另有6速車款。6速的 SRAM 內變速將在2009年停產,而改成更高效率的 BWR (Brompton Wide Range Hub)。
在 Brompton 的網站有個 FAQ,內容寫得還不錯,這邊摘錄一部份:
Aren't small wheels inefficient and more dangerous than large wheels?
We put 16" wheels on our bikes primarily for the obvious reason - they allow a compact folded package. However, smaller wheels bring other advantages: they offer superior acceleration and lose less speed to wind resistance and, when fitted with high pressure tyres (as Bromptons are), the actual rolling resistance is similar to that of large wheels; the unpaced (i.e. unassisted) cycling world speed record was set using a small-wheeled Moulton AM7 (51.29 mph over 200m in 1986).
Smaller wheels are also lighter and stronger than larger, longer-spoked wheels, but many people worry about their capacity to handle potholes and other unforgiving terrain. Despite appearances, our wheels fare pretty well on pitted streets and, because of their greater manoeuvrability, it’s easier to avoid the obstacles in the first place. The only times you have to take more care with small wheels is on a gritty surface or when riding obliquely across a groove or step in the wet, circumstances which require care on any bicycle in any event.
Why aren't there more gears on your bikes? Why do you use hub gears?
Over the last twenty years, there has been a trend towards putting ever more gears on bikes; in part this reflects the rising popularity of mountain-biking, but it's a movement that owes at least as much to marketing as to genuine functionality. After all, how many of those gears actually get used?
By focusing solely on the number of gears on a bicycle the vital considerations of gear range and efficiency are overlooked. Often, the effective range of the gearing systems (smallest and greatest distance travelled for one rotation of the pedals in the lowest and highest gears) has not increased - extra gears have simply been squeezed in without adding much to the range at the top or bottom of the gearing. We set out the gear range and ratio for all our gearing options, in our Data section.
Multi-geared derailleur systems rarely give satisfactory gearing on a small-wheeled bike; on a folding bike they are also vulnerable to damage, difficult to keep in adjustment and cumbersome. To achieve the wide range of gears they offer, derailleurs typically force the chain to manage acute angles between the chain wheel and rear sprockets; our own simpler derailleur system, used on our 2-speed and 6-speed bikes, is designed to keep the chain running straight regardless of the gear selected, and adjustment is seldom needed.
Hub gears are generally a superior solution for a folding bike: the gears are protected inside the hub housing, making them easy to maintain and avoiding the problems caused to derailleur systems by dirt, rain and the odd knock. Our gearing options mainly revolve around the reliable, compact and efficient 3-speed hubs perfected over many decades by Sturmey Archer and SRAM. Other hub gears on the market offer more gears but do so at the expense of efficiency; without getting too technical, the three gears in our hubs are achieved through one set of planetary pinions [rotors], whereas, for example, the leading 8-speed hub on the market channels the cyclist's energy through three sets of pinions, inevitably resulting in greater energy loss
One final thought: the Tour de France riders climbing Alpe d'Huez this summer will not be using 27 gears to conquer the most fearsome climb in the cycling calendar; you probably won't need that many gears either.
Brompton 的手冊: http://www.espaibici.com/brompton/brompton_2005%5B1%5D.pdf
Brompton 台灣代理網站:http://www.lane-trip.com.tw/bike_range.php?products_id=33&incl=brompton
推薦車行: 公館阿綸單車
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