C41 代用配方
25 September, 2008
將 C41 的原理和正規做法抽出整理成另一篇。寫在前面
在旅日友人 - 箔樵 的建議下,我開始嘗試自己沖底片。他還提供了簡要配方及處理摘要 (感謝 箔樵 花時間整理並答應公開上網)。這些配方和我後來上網找到的有很大的不同。我把 C41 的坊間配方分成兩大類,一是日系傳出來的,一是西方傳出來的。下方列出的不同配方中,以Formula 01 和 04 就是日系的配方,其他的都是美系的配方。日系和美系最大的不同是有沒有使用碘化鉀,日系一般都沒有加這一成份,美系很多都會把這一成份列入,而且其濃度非常的低。再來的是漂白(Bleach)時, Ferric Ammonium EDTA 都是會用上。國外的 Blix 的配方也一定會有用到這一試劑。就是說大家都離不開 Ferric ammonium EDTA。這是最有效的存在形式就是了,一旦有 Na+ 離子的存在,EDTA 就會形成較不活躍的形式,作用也會不完全。但日本的配方就只是單純的 Ferric EDTA disodium,也就是被認為是很難去除銀離子的 EDTA 形式。
同時,在顯影及漂白之間最好要有 停影劑,否則容易有污染的問題,停影劑多加入 Sodium Sulfite。我一開始是使用 BLIX 的配方在嘗試,也一直覺得這沒甚麼問題。一直到後來在 APUG 論壇看了很多討論串,尤其是 PE 的發言,指出 BLIX 很難處理,也很難把銀給取代清除。這也是我後來努力去找出 Bleach 和 Fix 分開的配方的原因。
CD4 的化學名稱
C41 的重要發色劑是 CD4,color development 4. CD4 是商業名稱,化學名稱我從 Kodak 的patent 文件中查到是 4-(N-ethyl-N-2-hydroxyethyl)-2-methylphenylenediamine sulfate 。在第一次沖洗測試後,因發生了色偏問題,所以就到處找可能的原因。
從日本的自調 C41 教學網查到的名稱是:
經翻成英文是:4-amino-3methyl-N-ethyl-N-p-hydroxyethylaniline sulfate
另外在 photonet討論區查到的則是
(3-Methy1-4-Amino-N-Ethyl-N-(2-Hydroxyethyl) Aniline Sulfate(Monohydrate)。
這就讓我很困惑到底那一個是正確的名稱。後來問到化學友人,他的解釋是這三個名稱都是同一個化合物,只是命名不同。後來在 APUG 論壇上就有很多人提到 CD4 的化學式,大家都曉得一樣。
不同的 C41 代用配方
{Formula 02} C-41 Developer (Official ??)source: http://www.apug.org/forums/forum40/26717-processing-c-41-home.html#post288486 |
Water (50° C) ........................... 800 ml Potassium carbonate (anhy) ........ 37.5 g [accelerator.] Sodium sulfite (anhy) ................. 4.3 g Potassium iodide ....................... 0.002 g [minimize silver fog and dye stain formation.] Sodium bromide ......................... 1.3 g Hydroxylamine sulfate ................. 2.0 g Kodak Anti-Cal #3 ...................... 2.5 g (註:2,4-Dihydroxybenzophenone, 可忽略) CD-4 ....................................... 4.8 g Water to make .......................... 1.0 l pH 10.00 +/- 0.03 |
{Formula 03} Bonavolta - C-41 Developersource:http://www.bonavolta.ch/hobby/en/photo/c41_ra4_chemicals.htm |
Water (Room Temp)..............800.0ml Potassium Carbonate.............32.0g [accelerator.] Sodium Sulfite...................3.5g Potassium Bromide................1.5g [minimize silver fog and dye stain formation.] Hydroxylamine Sulfate............2.0g CD-4.............................5.0g Water to make....................1.0L |
{Formula 04} Vasolza Home-brew Final Formulasource:カラーネガフィルム現像液の自家調合 |
H2O @ 40℃ ......................................... 800ml 無水亞硫酸鈉 (Sodium Sulfite, anhydrous) ............. 1.20g 碳酸氫鈉 (Sodium Bicarbonate) ........................ 1.5g 溴化鉀 (Potassium Bromide) ........................... 0.60g [minimize silver fog and dye stain formation.] 無水碳酸鈉 (Sodium Carbonate, anhydrous) ............. 13.0g [accelerator.] 氫氧化鈉 (Sodium hydroxide) .......................... 0.80g Kodak CD-4 ........................................... 4.0g 加水至總量 1000ml |
{Formula 05} Formula provided by oldbikerpete |
http://lokienhock.googlepages.com/Blogspot_OldBikerPete-MyC41Formulae.pdf |
{Formula 06} Here's a formula for C-41 published in 'Photo Techniques'source:http://groups.google.com/group/rec.photo.film+labs/browse_thread/thread/5315093a633b0be2/27909efe01d60fd6?lnk=gst&q=iodide#27909efe01d60fd6 |
DEVELOPER Water 800 ml Potassium carbonate 38 g Sodium sulfite 4.7 g Potassium bromide 1.5 g Kodak anti-cal (optional) 1 g Hydroxylamine sulfate 3.9 g CD4 5.9 g Potassium iodide 1 mg (或 1ml 的 0.1% 溶液) Acetic Acid to pH 10.00 Water to make 1 liter *Potassium iodide可取1g溶於1 Liter 水,配製成 0.1% 溶液儲藏於4℃下備用(需避光)。 BLEACH Water 700 ml Ferric ammonium EDTA (-50% solution) 170 ml Ammonium bromide 172 g Potassium nitrate 54 g Acetic acid (99%) 15 ml Water to make 1 liter pH 5.80 FIXER Water 700 ml Ammonium thiosulfate 189 ml any sodium salt of EDTA 1.5 g Sodium bisulfate 15 g Water to make 1 liter pH 6.50 STABILIZER Water 800 ml Formaldehyde (37%) 5 ml Photo-Flo 600 1.6 ml Water to make 1 liter PROCESS TIMES (100F) Developer 3.25' Bleach 6.50' Rinse 3.25' Fix 6.50' Rinse 3.25' Stabilizer 1.50' |
{Formula 07} an alternative ferricyanide bleach is approved for use with C-41Source:Provided by nworth |
Kodak SR-34 bleach Alternate bleach for Process ECN-2 for motion picture negative films (Potassium “UL House” bleach) Water (21 – 38C) 700 ml Proxel GXL 0.07 ml (mold inhibitor) Kodak Chelating Agent No. 1 30.6 g Potassium hydroxide (45%) 42.7 ml Potassium bromide (anh) 51.5 g Acetic acid (Glacial) 7.65 ml Ferric nitrate (nonahydrate) 35.7 g Water to make 1 l pH at 25C = 5.30; density = 1.070; total iron (ferric only) 5.1 g/l Bleach motion picture film 3 minutes at 27C |
{Formula 08} alternative Bleach and Fixer formula by PE{more about PE, click here}source:PE |
Stop Acetic acid glacial 20ml/L Sodium Sulfite 10 g/L Water to 1000ml Use between developer and bleach for 30 seconds 100F. This can prolong the life time of the bleach solution. Bleach Ammonium Ferric EDTA 60% 200 ml Ammonium Bromide 50 g Ammonium Sulfite 10 g Disodium EDTA 10 g pH to 6.7 with either Ammonium Hydroxide or 28% acetic acid Water to 1 liter. Use for 7 minutes at 100F. Another substitute Ferric Ammonium EDTA Bleach formula by PE source:APUG discussion 1 mole of Ferric Chloride + 1.1 moles of Ammonium EDTA should do the job. Adjust pH to 6.5 with Acetic Acit 28% and Ammonium Hydroxide solution as needed. Ammonium Bromide 50 g Ammonium Sulfite 10 g Diammonium EDTA 359g Ferric chloride 162g Disodium EDTA 10 g Water to 1 liter. Use for 7 minutes at 100F. Fixer formular Ammonium Thiosulfate 60% 200 ml Ammonium Sulfite 10 g Disodium EDTA 10 g pH to 6.7 with either Ammonium Hydroxide or 28% acetic acid. Water to 1 liter. Use for 7 minutes at 100 F. pH range 6.5 - 6.8 for either solution at 20 degrees C (68F) Wash after the bleach for 5 mins and after the fix for 8 mins. Stabilizer | source The old type is 10 ml of 37% formalin (about) added to 1 liter of standard Photo Flo 200 working solution.或是以 3ml 的 Formaldehyde (35-37%)及 3ml 的 L-clear (Chugai photo 生產,光影代理)調配成 500ml 溶液亦可。photo Flo 200 或是 L-clear 的作用是界面活性劑,只要是界面活性劑即可取代。 較早期的底片,在沖片後面必須要再加一道的穩定液處理來加強底片染料的穩定性。現代的底片多已不需要穩定劑的作用來加強染料的穩定性了。除此之外,因為彩負底片在沖洗過程中是把銀離子給去除,只留下彩色染料。這些會殺菌的銀離子不存在下,彩負底片則是不比黑白底片有強烈的抑菌性。所以,現在的穩定液只是剩下去除水滴斑和抑菌作用而已。 |
![]() | 在配製 Formula 08 的 Bleach 時,加入 Diammonium EDTA 和 Ferric chloride 後,如果溶液太酸的話就會產生沈澱。pH調整到 6.5可以解決這問題。 |
![]() | 以 Ammonium Hydroxide 和冰醋酸調整 pH值到 6.5。當 pH 達 5 時,結晶和沈澱就不會有了,但溶液還是像泥漿那樣。當 pH 超過 6 時,溶液就澄清了。 |
{Formula 09} C-27Source:Provided by Stefan |
800ml tab water 1 ml A905(wetting agent, can be omitted) 2g Calgon 34g potassium carbonate 1.9g Sodium Bikarbonate 3.5g Sodium Sulphite 1.4 g Potassium bromide 1.4 mg (!) Potassium iodide 2g HAS 5.3g CD4 Up to 1 Litre, pH adjusted with KOH or sulphuric acid to 10.11 at 25°C. pH has to be above 10.11 (measured with my unit 10.13), there is absolutely no chance to get a proper developed film with lower pH! Red will suffer badly! BUT whatever you do, pH has to be above 10.11 (measured with my unit 10.13), there is absolutely no chance to get a proper developed film with lower pH! Red will suffer badly! |
{Formula 10} C-41Source:Provided by RPC |
Water, distilled (50° C)................. 800 ml Potassium carbonate (anhy) ........ 37.5 g Sodium sulfite (anhy) ................. 4.3 g Potassium iodide ....................... 0.002 g Sodium bromide ......................... 1.3 g Hydroxylamine sulfate ................. 2.0 g CD-4 ....................................... 4.8 g Water to make .......................... 1.0 l pH 10.00 +/- 0.03 |
Bleach 非常貴,而且實際上它可以使用很久。據論壇上的討論指出, Bleach 如果定時的打氣就可以活化使用過的活性。同時,再配合不定時的補充新鮮的 bleach(50~100ml) 及 置換掉等體積的老化 bleach 就可以使用非常的久。另外,Ammonium Sulfite 和 Disodium EDTA 也是有必要不定時補充{參考資料}。
試劑活性檢測(from PE)
DeveloperFirst, check out a piece of film or paper by fogging it in the light and then developing for a specified time and temperature. This is a fresh developer test. You may want to develop more than one piece for more data.
With that time recorded, any time later on that you want to test the developer just run the same test and if the paper or film fails to get the same densities at the same times then the developer is bad. Up until that point, the developer is still good.
Bleach solution Stick a piece of processed B&W negative into the bleach and let it go for about 10 minutes. The image should almost completely vanish. Then, fix the film and the image should be gone. There may be a faint ghost image remaining due to some insoluable salts that form or due to distortion of the gelatin, but the film should be clear with no brown dmin.
Fix solution When using a fix with unknown properties, it is best to run 3 tests:
1. Fixation test. Sodium Sulfide solution turns brown if the fix was exhausted or weak or the time was too short.
2. Wash test. Silver Nitrate in Acetic Acid, with a color chart will tell you how good your wash cycle was.
3. Exhaustion test. Potassium Iodide in fix forms yellow cloudy precipitate if fixer is bad.
#1 is Sodium Sulfide solution and #2 is Silver Nitrate in Acetic Acid mixed. A drop of each on different spots of your paper or film and if the drops become yellow spots, then fixing and washing were not correct.
•the developing agent, CD-2, CD-3, or CD-4, which are derivatives of paraphenylenediamine;
•a preservative, usually sodium or potassium sulfite, but in low concentration to ensure an adequate supply of oxidized developing agent for the coupling reaction;
•an alkali, usually potassium hydroxide, because high solution pH values are needed for efficient silver development and dye formation;
•a restrainer, usually potassium bromide, but also potassium iodide, to minimize silver fog and dye stain formation.
•a weak developing agent, such as hydroxylamine or ascorbic acid, may be included to suppress stain formation by oxidized color developer.
source: Imaging Processes and Materials By John Sturge, Vivian Walworth, Allan Shepp
Critical items are: The pH, iodide, bromide, color developing agent and sulfite. These are in order of importance high to low. The first 3 are critical.
As temperature goes down, the bottom layer becomes less developed when the top layer is properly developed. If you properly develop the bottom layer, then the top layer is overdeveloped. The final result can be fog and crossover. Don't do it.
處理溶液 | 保存期限 |
發色顯影液(有加CD-4) | 1週 |
發色顯影液(沒加CD-4) | 6個月 |
CD-4 20%儲存液 | 2個月 |
漂白定影液 | 2~3個月 |
處理溶液 | 1公升藥水可處理底片數量 | 面積(dm2) | |
135-36 | 120 | ||
發色顯影液 | 5 | 6 | 30 |
漂白定影液 | 20 | 24 | 100~120 |
1L 顯影劑成本約 nt 176; 1L 定影劑成本約 nt 1296,平均每卷的費用約為100元。
處理工程 | 溫度(℃) | 處理時間 |
發色顯影 | 38 ± 0.2 ℃ | 3分15秒 |
水洗 | 約30度以上即可 | 約30秒 |
漂白定影 | 38 ± 3 ℃ | 4分20秒 |
最終水洗(流水) | 常溫水即可 | 約5分 |
自然風乾 | 依環境條件,至少兩小時以上。 |
。然後調好後最後放過一天 讓他完全溶化再開始用。
* pH: developer是10.1~10.2; fixer 是 pH ~6.5。
12月初已開始試用,但有色偏問題,不曉得那裡有狀況。有在 flickr 提問:
4-Amino-3-methyl-N-ethyl-N-(.beta.-hydroxyethyl)-aniline sulfate;
2-Amino-5-diethylaminotoluene Monohydrochloride; and
4-Amino-3-methyl-N-ethyl-N-(.beta.-methanesulfonamidoethyl)-m-toluidine sesquisulfate monohydrate.
The first developing agent listed above is commonly used in the C-41 process for developing conventional color negative film. In fact, a C-41 developer solution may be used in the present invention. The developer solution may be aqueous, andmay be maintained at an alkaline pH. In addition to the developing agent, the developer solution can include various other additives well-known to those skilled in the art. Suitable additives include, for example, various preservatives (e.g., sodiumsulfite, sodium bisulfite, sodium metabisulfate or potassium metabisulfate), accelerators (e.g., potassium or sodium carbonate, potassium or sodium hydroxide, borax, or sodium metaborate), restrainers (such as potassium bromide), and antifoggants (suchas benzotriazole or 6-nitrobenzimidazole nitrate).
* 首先準備約800ml,40度以上但不要超過50度的熱水。
* 由上往下將藥品邊攪拌邊加入水裡。務必完全溶解一個藥品後再加入下一個藥品。
* 6-NitroBenzimidazole 難溶於水,可以用酒精配製 0.2% 溶液。
由於Kodak CD-4為顯影主藥,且容易劣化,可在顯影前6小時再加入。但此方法麻煩。
代用方法為,先將CD-4 20g與K2S2O5 3g加水100ml溶解成為CD-4 20%的儲存液。在顯影前以一公升的顯影液加13ml的CD-4儲存液的比例加入,則能馬上進行顯影。
註:每一公升溶液使用 100g,每次成本約 858元
- カラーネガフィルムへの挑戦
- 輝大哥彩色負片顯影
- C-41 Negatives Development
- APUG 討論
- C-41 home development
- Home C-41 Processing by 'stpiduko'
- "instruction of NOVA c41 process"
- Stuart Hill - Processing Colour films.....
- C41 Homebrew (APUG forum)
- CD4 Color Film Developer (APUG forum)
- comment on varied c41 recipes (APUG forum)
- C-41 Processing (rec.photo.film+labs)
- Apug discussion
- C41 Bleach Formula
- c41 formula use by OldBikerPete
- 鹵化銀感光材料的沖洗
何處可以購買Kodac CD4呢
可以試試看: stores.photoformulary.com
Mr. myself, 自己配的效果非常的差耶。買 Kodak 的試劑非常好用。
其實就是一個過勞命想要什麼都自己動手做...又因為爬到http://www.filmwasters.com/forum/index.php?topic=8224.0 的效果出來蠻經驗的...更加深了想要自己動手的意願...不過CD4真的是一個大問題啊...
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